Johnny Lloyd
Música para filmes, televisão e publicidadeCantautor do Norte de Londres anteriormente da banda Tribes.
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A história por detrás do tema
North London singer-songwriter Johnny Lloyd toured with The Rolling Stones, Pixies, and Red Hot Chili Peppers as a member of the band Tribes. In 2014, Johnny Lloyd left Tribes to start his solo career. Johnny has toured supporting bands including The Maccabees and Goo Goo Dolls, as well as a headline tour of his own. The rock and roll of the 70s has been a huge influence on him, easily heard in his guitar tracks, but he continues to explore new styles to expand his musical vocabulary. Johnny believes a key to his own songwriting approach is to write with the chorus in mind. The sonic and emotional depth of his recent music underscores a clear indication of his growth.
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